Thursday, March 27, 2014

Seventeenth-Twentieth USIP Round-Table Meetings

Log Week 23-26 [03/01/2014 - 03/22/2014]:
An online class is set up to cover the basics of individual science experiments. Lab hours became mandatory and all payloads were asked to finish their block diagrams.

Things To Expect:
- A new Google poll has been posted (link).
- Online lecture every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from Dr. Bering.
- Expect a lecture on atmospheric science on Monday from Dr. Lefer.
- Meeting with Dr. Lefer on Friday.
- Planning to be done with PDR/CDR sometime later (No ETA on this).
- Hopefully, we will be able to host our site on NSM server as soon as we get an approval from the department.
- Visit Doodle Poll and let us know your availability (link).
- Visit our Google Calendar for specifics and timely updates.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)