Saturday, December 21, 2013

Ninth USIP Meeting

Log Week 12 [12/21/2013]:
This meeting was focused on Sub-Group leaders and where they need to report (Please email managers for specifics). It was also mentioned that (as per the Telecon with carrier) there will be a face-to-face meeting coming this January.

Things To Expect:
- Dr. Coster will discuss about Total Electron Content, lookout for a meeting soon.
- Planning to be done with PDR/CDR sometime later (No ETA on this).
- Hopefully, we will be able to host our site on NSM server as soon as we get a approval from the department.
- Re-visit Doodle Poll and let us know your availability after exams (link).
- Visit our Google Calendar for specifics and timely updates.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

No Meeting Held

Log Week 11 [12/14/2013]:
No meeting was held as mentioned in the previous blog. 
Moved PDR/CDR dates down further and also, there will be slight change in how team will operate.
Got back in touch with NASA staff.
Hopefully, we will be able to host our site on NSM server.

Things To Expect:
- Carrier conference rescheduled for 12/17/2013.
- Dr. Coster will discuss about Total Electron Content, lookout for a meeting soon.
- Planning to be done with PDR/CDR sometime later (No ETA on this).
- Re-visit Doodle Poll and let us know your availability after exams (link).
- Visit our Google Calendar for specifics and timely updates.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Eighth USIP Meeting

Log Week 10 [12/07/2013]:
The focus of the meeting revolved around non-participating members and to recruit members that can be of benefit to the team.
More people get a feel of what type of information is expected from them, for PDR specific purposes.

Things To Expect:
There will be no meeting on December 14th due to exams instead only managers meet.
- Carrier conference rescheduled for 12/17/2013.
- Dr. Coster is arriving in Houston to discuss about Total Electron Content, lookout for a meeting soon.
- Planning to be done with PDR by the end of December.
- Re-visit Doodle Poll and let us know your availability after exams (link).
- Visit our Google Calendar for specifics and timely updates.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Tragic Event at Ocean City, Maryland

As some of us already know and heard of Miss. Brenda and her importance in this project. She was mentioned in our previous blogs as a representative from NASA that is keeping a check on us; has lost her husband (David Dingwall R.I.P) on Tuesday in a horrifying incident. David Dingwall R.I.P, was a Canadian decedent and an active community leader at St. Peter's Lutheran Church and one of the important personalities. The news was aired on CNN.

The purpose of this blog is to mourn on the lost of a great man. Please keep both, Brenda and her husband in your prayers.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Saturday, November 30, 2013

There were No Meeting

Log Week 9 [11/30/2013]:
Managers met at the beginning of the week and the conference call with the balloon carrier (CSBX) through NASA was cancelled at the last minute. And that pretty much sums up the week.

Things To Expect:
- Meeting with Dr. Lefer this Friday.
- Planning to be done with PDR by the end of December.
- Meet with Dr. Bering regarding your project (if you have not already).
- Re-visit Doodle Poll and let us know your availability after exams (link).
- Bring in your payload info for next weekly meeting this Saturday.
- Visit our Google Calendar for specifics and timely updates.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Seventh USIP Meeting

Log Week 8 [11/23/2013]:
This was another successful meeting with Dr. Dunbar focused on NASA and the importance of STEM program through out the country.
Also, managers can now acquire instruments with purchasing order.


- Got to know Dr. Dunbar and her history with NASA.
  - Learned about the mechanics behind successful missions.
  - Talked about phases of collaboration and obstacles towards the final launch.
- Went over what is needed to complete PDR.

Things To Expect:
- Managers are meeting on Monday.
- Deadline for PDR submittal is December.
- Telecon with CSBX (our balloon carrier) via NASA on Tuesday.
- Meet with Dr. Bering regarding your project (if you have not already).
- Re-visit Doodle Poll and let us know your availability after exams (link).
- There will be no meeting on November 30th, instead we will all be meeting on December 7th. Bring in your payload info.
- Visit our Google Calendar for specifics and timely updates.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sixth USIP Meeting

Log Week 7 [11/16/2013]:
Meeting was held with Dr. Lefer on Friday and also gained quite a bit knowledge from Dr. Bering in the discussion. Balloon launch did happen on campus and we had our members there to witness it.

- A brief overview of the project and its current status.


Things To Expect:
- Meeting with Dr. Lefer.
- Deadline for initial design submittal is coming near.
- Meeting with carriers on Tuesday.
- Financial training for managers.
- Visit our Google Calendar for specifics and timely updates.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

There were No Meeting

Log Week 6 [11/09/2013]:
Although, no meeting was held; this week was packed with information. There were educative meetings with faculty namely, Dr. Lefer and Dr. Dunbar on Friday, 11/08/2013. Also, this week included lab cleaning.

- Submitted presentation drafts.

Things To Expect:
- Meeting with Dr. Lefer.
- Presentations.
- Balloon launch here in Houston is scheduled for Wednesday at noon.
- Deadline for initial design submittal is coming near.
- Meeting with carriers?
- Financial training for managers?
- Visit our Google Calendar for specifics and timely updates.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Fifth USIP Meeting

Log Week 5 [11/02/2013]:
Conference call with Miss. Dingwall (Personnel from NASA to keep a tap on us) is the headline of the week. Also, Hermosillo had a meeting with Dr. Bering (on 11/01).

- Talked about arduino.
- 3 of the members presented their projects.
- 2 new members joined in.

Things To Expect:
- Meeting with Dr. Dunbar and Dr. Lefer on 11/08.
- Presentation draft on the specific payload next Saturday.
- Lab cleaning.
- Might be able to schedule for a balloon launch here in Houston.
- Deadline for initial design submittal is coming near.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Shout Out To All New Comers!

A very warm welcome from all the team members to (members that are not originally in the proposal):

- Daniel Sierra 
- Erika Marrero
- John Cao
- Dominic Mak
- Arian Etheshami
- Hamza Ahmad
- (reserved for future)

ToDo List (if you are not already familiar with this):
- Bookmark this site.
- A new Google poll has been posted (link).
- Fill the Google Poll for your information (link).
- Keep a look out for events on Google Calendar.
- Go on Doodle Poll and let us know your availability (link).
- Get added in GroupMe chat and make sure you check your email on a daily basis.
- Attend meetings and keep checking our Google Drive for project based information.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fourth USIP Meeting

Log Week 4 [10/25/2013]:
As prior to the weekend meeting, there was a general meeting with Dr. Lefer (on 10/25), telemetry and DC electric field discussion with Dr. Bering (on 10/24). This week also involved lab cleaning.

- Talked about arduino.

Things To Expect:
- Keep a look out for events on Google Calendar.
- Conference call on 10/31 with Miss. Dingwall at 2:00pm.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Third USIP Meeting

Log Week 3 [10/19/2013]:
Prior to usual Saturday group meeting there was an additional meeting with Dr. Bering (one of the faculty behind the project) on 10/18.

- Played around with arduino.
- Talked about equipments and funding for the materials.
- Radio transmitter was also a side topic.
- Whether we have control over what balloons get used.

Things To Expect:
- Telemetry team meeting with Dr. Bering on 10/24.
- Electric field team meeting with Dr. Bering on 10/24.
- Lab cleanup

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Second USIP Meeting

Log Week 2 [10/12/2013]:
The future looks promising and hopefully, the current team can keep the ball rolling till the end. 
As always, the meeting showed constant progress in all the members.

P.S: First assembly to be held in an assigned lab environment.

- Looked at physical design and weight requirements.
- Talked about different instrumentation and sharing thereof for different payloads.
- Collaborated on filling-in team members where necessary.
- As it stands, we will still be meeting or beating the Gantt chart deadlines.
- Capstone class structure for spring '14.
- Types of balloons that will be launched.

Things To Expect From Next Meeting:
- Re-visit doodle pool and revise your schedule as necessary (link).
- Refine and further evaluate the initial design in-depth.
- Get familiarize yourself with specific instruments through research.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

First USIP Meeting

Log Week 1 [10/05/2013]:
This Saturday is one of the first Saturday's towards our final goal.
We touched many different topics of which almost all of the members contributed.
We talked about fundamental questions ranging from the purpose of Carriers to individual teams/topics.

At this moment in time, we are trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together; where each of us stand, what responsibilities we carry but more importantly, putting names to faces.


Goals For Next Meeting:
- Minimize the number of topics and link related topics under one umbrella.
- Come up with an initial design.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Friday, September 27, 2013

First Day!

What is this Project?

This project is an undergraduate technology development project, designed to produce ultra lightweight (<6lbs) and ultra lowcost (<$3000 on average) devices that can (and will) gather real scientific data in Alaska in March 2015.
Students design, manage, and develop several different devices which will then be packaged into ten (10) different payloads based on weight/power restrictions and scientific synergies. (I.e. Can we learn something interesting by comparing VLF and DC/EF field data? Then let's stick them on the same balloon.)
We are working to study the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) in March 2015 in Fairbanks, Alaska. We want to find out all the neat electrical and gaseous pieces of data we can about this region during these unique and beautiful events, which can actually tell us a lot about what is going on with our local Space Weather.

Log start:
Today was the day of the All-Student USIP Kick-Off telecon phone call.
It was great hearing from all the other students across the country working on projects similar to ours.

Everything is kind of in a flurry right now, but we are all laying the groundwork for a great team so that we can do great work throughout the coming year.

Stay tuned for more information! A group photo is on the way!

[none available]

Further actions:
Create and publish a post that outlines an introduction of our project to the public, and to our sister-teams across the country for collaboration purposes.

Written by:
Rachel Gamblin (USIP-UH member)