Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fourth USIP Meeting

Log Week 4 [10/25/2013]:
As prior to the weekend meeting, there was a general meeting with Dr. Lefer (on 10/25), telemetry and DC electric field discussion with Dr. Bering (on 10/24). This week also involved lab cleaning.

- Talked about arduino.

Things To Expect:
- Keep a look out for events on Google Calendar.
- Conference call on 10/31 with Miss. Dingwall at 2:00pm.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Third USIP Meeting

Log Week 3 [10/19/2013]:
Prior to usual Saturday group meeting there was an additional meeting with Dr. Bering (one of the faculty behind the project) on 10/18.

- Played around with arduino.
- Talked about equipments and funding for the materials.
- Radio transmitter was also a side topic.
- Whether we have control over what balloons get used.

Things To Expect:
- Telemetry team meeting with Dr. Bering on 10/24.
- Electric field team meeting with Dr. Bering on 10/24.
- Lab cleanup

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Second USIP Meeting

Log Week 2 [10/12/2013]:
The future looks promising and hopefully, the current team can keep the ball rolling till the end. 
As always, the meeting showed constant progress in all the members.

P.S: First assembly to be held in an assigned lab environment.

- Looked at physical design and weight requirements.
- Talked about different instrumentation and sharing thereof for different payloads.
- Collaborated on filling-in team members where necessary.
- As it stands, we will still be meeting or beating the Gantt chart deadlines.
- Capstone class structure for spring '14.
- Types of balloons that will be launched.

Things To Expect From Next Meeting:
- Re-visit doodle pool and revise your schedule as necessary (link).
- Refine and further evaluate the initial design in-depth.
- Get familiarize yourself with specific instruments through research.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

First USIP Meeting

Log Week 1 [10/05/2013]:
This Saturday is one of the first Saturday's towards our final goal.
We touched many different topics of which almost all of the members contributed.
We talked about fundamental questions ranging from the purpose of Carriers to individual teams/topics.

At this moment in time, we are trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together; where each of us stand, what responsibilities we carry but more importantly, putting names to faces.


Goals For Next Meeting:
- Minimize the number of topics and link related topics under one umbrella.
- Come up with an initial design.

Written By:
Abdul K. Siddiqui (USIP-UH member)