Monday, June 16, 2014

June 9th-16th

Okay, we've had a pretty hectic week past few weeks, and everyone can agree we have not been communicating. We have to communicate, people. If you're not receiving emails, make sure everyone has your correct email address. If you're paranoid, send a test email, make sure you receive a response. 

We have an August 2nd deadline. We have to make it. We do not have another option. We can make it if we budget time accordingly and talk to each other more. If you cannot make a meeting in person, please please please get on the Google hangout on the appropriate time and give someone (a faculty member) a time you will come to them and give a status update. If you don't know what times are good, ask. We have a vested interest, so do they. Sometimes we can't make meetings, which stinks, but it is a reality. That being said, don't make it a habit. If something comes up at the last minute and you cannot be there in person, get on the Google hangout. There is an app for the iPhone and iPad (for people who have these devices, yes, it is free) and it is easy to access on the computer otherwise. I do not know about Android devices but I will find out and edit this when I have. If you know you cannot make it in advance, notify the appropriate people and schedule to give a personal status update some other time during the week, preferably within two or three days.

Group communication is becoming a problem. Groups aren't talking amongst themselves or to each other. We will not make our deadline like this. Some people are being inundated with work while others who could be helping are sitting there twiddling their thumbs because no one has given them anything to do. During lab time, if you find yourself under-tasked, ask a group leader or faculty member what needs doing (they will have something, believe me, or they can direct you to someone who needs assistance). If you find yourself over-tasked, tell a faculty member or a project leader so they can assign someone to help you.

Alright, now with that out of the way, I have our status updates.

  • Gaseous Compounds: A team member is procuring the UPOD from Colorado June 16th. On June 20th, they plan to retrofit it into a much lighter container, calibrate the sensors, determine methods for thermal insulation, and then use these methods to implement insulation in the container. Their planned test flight is Jul 2nd.
  • TEC: The team plans to start testing their ordered model so they can be prepared for a test flight on June 30th.
  • VLF: Upcoming tasks for VLF include making a VLF Gantt chart, filling out the VLF PDR questions, purchasing the iPod, choosing an appropriate antenna, observing the transfer function frequency response, reading the VLF design paper and then assembling everything with the Arduino.
  • Spectroscope: A prototype telescope is built, we still need to mount a diffraction grating and sensor to it. The objective lens and ocular lens have been ordered. Three more lenses and a diffraction grating still need to be ordered. PVC pipe and styrofoam are being considered as possible materials for the casing of the instrument.
  • Particle detector: The team is currently waiting on information from Dr. Pinsky on a new medipex sensor. They are in talks with Mr. Garbino about a particle detector and Raspberry pi combination. A Window Shield is being developed so the device can be handled with better care and the attenuation is being calculated.
  • Star tracker: The executive decision has been made to use a Raspberry pi instead of an Arduino for image processing. The micro-schedule on Asana has been structured, and the necessary hardware components have been ordered. The team is now working on compiling the steps for a decent algorithm, and plan to use four or five reference documents.
  • CPU: The team is currently reviewing their order list.
  • Astrobiology: The team is currently replacing a part, which they expect to be replaced by June 18th. Along with that they are gathering various supplies needed for their instrument in order t begin lab testings in July.
  • DC EF/Conductivity: The team is currently ordering parts and determining the power requirements. Soon they will move on to the circuit schematic and designing the layout so they can order a board with Surface Mount Technology.
  • Telemetry: The team is currently reviewing their order list and discussing whether to have the telemetry system work through i-Met code or a new code.

    We have test flights planned for whatever projects are ready August 2nd through August 9th in New Mexico. Do your best to have your projects ready. The more we can fly, the better- it means if we messed up, then we know and don't have to panic last minute next year. Hope everyone had fun at the beach party!